About An Electronic Cigar:
Electronic Cigars are battery powered devices that look and for the most part feel like a real cigar depending on the quality of the e cigar you purchase. The Aristo E Cigar reputation as a world class electronic cigar speaks for its' self when determining what a "premium" e cigar truly is. Aristo spared no expense in designing a one of a kind premium e cigar.
Are E Cigars Safe?
Despite what large 3rd party interest's are saying, there are no negative results to report regarding the use of an “e cigar”. While the electronic cigar has only been around 2-3 years, it has gained much popularity. Mainly for the following reasons: Indoor use, Flavors, selection in nicotine strength, Almost No Odor, Better alternative then traditional cigars.
The thing to understand is that there are 4 ingredients in the e liquid in your e cigar.
1) Food grade glycol, 2) Water, 3) Flavoring, 4)Nicotine (various strength depending on consumers selection)
Additionally, there is no combustion with electronic cigars, unlike traditional cigars.
While we all enjoy a real stick from time to time, the effects are far greater on your body than that of an electronic version.
What Is In An E Cigar?
Please Note: This is a general description of the ingredients found in an electronic cigar or their e liquid, as the quality of ingredients and engineering of each brands e cigar e liquid does vary.
- Aristo E Cigar Juices Contain Only Premium Ingredients & Is Formulated & Mixed In The U.S.
1) Food grade glycol, 2) Water, 3) Flavoring, 4)Nicotine (various strength depending on consumers selection)
How Does An E Cigar Work?
An e-cigar has 3 main parts:
1). battery 2). cartridge or cartomizer (holds the e liquid) 3). sensor / activation chip
Please note: This is a general description of the operations of an electronic cigar, as the engineering from battery to cartomizer differs from brand to brand.
When one draws on an electronic cigar the air flow is detected by the sensor chip internally in your e cigar. The battery activates which powers the atomizer inside the cartridge vaporizing the e liquid in it and producing vapor.
It is also important to note that your e cigars battery is not in use or being drained when not in use.
What is the difference between a Disposable E-Cigar and a Rechargeable E-Cigar?